Work Environment
Do we have a true image of the new working life?
(Oct 23, 2015) For many years there has been talk about the new working life, where work is more about doing something meaningful than about making money. But are we really seeing the emergence of a new type of independent worker who feels collective agreements and permanent contracts are nothing but obstacles?
Stress and time pressure a challenge to Nordic work environments
(Oct 23, 2015) Time pressure is a considerably higher psychosocial risk factor in Nordic businesses compared to the rest of Europe. Nordic businesses also highlight a lack of time as the main obstacle to a good work environment.
Time pressure bigger work environment issue in the Nordics than rest of Europe
(Sep 29, 2015) Psychosocial risk factors are identified as the main challenge by the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work in their second major survey of work environments in European countries.
New work environment agreement focuses on prevention and permanence
(Mar 06, 2015) Denmark’s work environment will be strengthened over the next four years with 135 million Danish kroner (€18m), mainly aimed at preventing violence, threats, workplace accidents and burnout.
Minimum wage could be on ETUC congress agenda
(Feb 07, 2015) Nearly all European countries have now introduced a statutory minimum wage. At the end of 2014 Germany introduced a minimum wage of €8.50 an hour. But the Nordic countries are sticking to their agreement model.
Norway: strike against labour law reform, tough conflicts ahead
(Feb 07, 2015) Will more short term contracts lead to more jobs for more people? Will it make it easier to access the labour market? Would it create more jobs or just more temporary staff? These questions are at the core of Norwegian workers’ fight against changes to the working environment act.
Challenge: gathering Europe in a joint vision for the work environment
(Nov 12, 2014) 25 percent of workers in the EU have a job which causes them psychosocial problems like stress, according to the fifth European working conditions survey. The results have been analysed in a report by Eurofound in cooperation with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. But measuring work environments is considerably harder than measuring unemployment.
Work environment: getting positive results
(Nov 12, 2014) One in four workers in Europe suffer from stress or other psychosocial difficulties according to Eurofound’s latest survey. The number of challenges typical of modern working life are increasing. But the dangers in the service industry are different from those on the factory floor. As work to improve work environments shifts focus to psychological factors and positive measures, new dangers still emerge because of new technology, like nano technology.
I follow safety instructions — they didn’t make them as a joke
(Nov 12, 2014) For Mathias Larsen and many other young Danes, a supermarket job is their first step into working life and their first meeting with work environment challenges — of which young people get more than their fair share.
Patient-focused care improved staff’s work environment
(Nov 12, 2014) When staff at the surgical ward number 6 at the Karlstad Central Hospital were allowed to spend more time on patients and less on administration, their work environment improved too. They recently won a major work environment award worth 50,000 Swedish kronor (€5,400) for their impressive efforts to improve their work environment.
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