Work Environment
Why are suicide rates higher for farmers and firefighters than for librarians?
(Oct 10, 2016) The largest survey of suicide rates by occupational group shows suicide is ten times more common among farmers than among librarians. For women, the highest rates are found among emergency workers, like firefighters.
Protect the trust!
(Sep 16, 2016) "Trust did not create the welfare state, but the welfare state could not exist without trust," says the researcher. Trust is the glue in the Nordic model. Without trust, joint decision-making and collective negotiations would not have existed.
The Nordic model under pressure from new leadership methods
(Sep 16, 2016) New management models are threatening a long tradition of collective decision making within Nordic labour life, Nordic researchers say. Employees loose influence and their chance to cooperate to reach constructive solutions within organisations and businesses.
Nordic countries top of global trust league
(Sep 16, 2016) The Nordic countries are top of the world when it comes to trust. This means people dare to cooperate, which benefits the economy a great deal. And from trust more trust is born.
Trust makes the workplace more innovative
(Sep 16, 2016) Signe Jarvad is the boss of 60 employees at Copenhagen’s Leisure and Culture Administration and not afraid of making decisions. But not without sounding out all relevant parties, and she also leaves many of the decisions to the employees. She believes this has led to higher work satisfaction and more innovation.
The City of Copenhagen: Work based on trust, not control
(Sep 16, 2016) Managing and leading public sector jobs using trust can help solve the complex challenges facing the Nordic welfare states, believes a researcher behind a new study on the Copenhagen trust reform. She challenges the Nordics to share experiences of trust-based management and leadership.
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority sharpens its methods
(Jun 20, 2016) How do you effectively monitor working environments? That was the key question when the Nordic working environment conference in Tampere recently discussed risk-based inspections. Which workplaces should be visited and how do you perform inspections and controls? The labour inspection authority’s role is to make sure businesses follow labour law. The methods are going to change, but how?
Risk-based inspections on the agenda at Tampere working environment conference
(Jun 20, 2016) Risk-based inspections was the theme for the 2016 Nordic working environment conference in Tampere. More than 100 participants from across the Nordic region were engaged in the big debate on how authorities can carry out inspections to secure a good working environment in a more efficient way.
Birgitta Forsström – The fresh thinking Nordic region’s working environment director
(Jun 14, 2016) Good leadership is crucial for well-being at work thinks NIVA’s new director, Birgitta Forsström. NIVA now offers courses in health promoting leadership and diversity leadership in addition to more traditional themes. This is how she wants to create new Nordic arenas for training in the working environment area.
From psychosocial sick leave to well-being at work
(May 20, 2016) The psychosocial working environment in the Nordic region is changing as a result of big changes and increasing demands at work. But there are also innovative solutions.
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