Nov 2017
Europe takes on social injustice – does the Nordic region show the way?
Nov 23, 2017 The social pillar has been missing from Europe’s development. The Gothenburg summit presented a new future. Not everyone enjoys the result, and there are differences of opinion within the Nordic region too. When national interests are at stake, and businesses say no, you get disagreements.
Nov 2017
The people and trade unions take EU to task over the social pillar
Nov 23, 2017 With a mix of slogans from the trade union movement, cinnamon rolls and sweets, the Swedish government, led by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, tries to present the EU from a different perspective. During the social summit in Gothenburg the social partners were literally sitting around the same table as prime ministers and EU Commissioners.
Nov 2017
Employers: EU’s social pillar threatens the Nordic model
Nov 23, 2017 Nordic employers fear the EU’s new social pillar could undermine the Nordic model for the labour market. They intend to defend the model tooth-and-nail. That fight will be necessary, predicts a Danish labour market researcher.
Nov 2017
Norway launches initiative against work-related crime during EU summit
Nov 23, 2017 Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg seized the moment at the EU summit on social rights. She launched an offensive against work-related crime. Norway offers to work with an EU country to develop a more efficient control system.
Nov 2017