Tuula Haatainen new Finnish Minister of Employment
Dec 16, 2019 Experienced Haatainen (59) joins a government which features numerous young female minister. So what experience do Finnish politicians have from real working life? The question arose with Finland’s sudden change of government in mid-December.
Eva Nordmark's task: to liberalise Sweden’s employment act and reform the employment service
Oct 18, 2019 When former TCO President Eva Nordmark accepted to replace Ylva Johansson as Sweden’s Minister for Employment, she also accepted to follow up on proposals she had been critical of in the past, like the liberalisation of the employment act.
Peter Hummelgaard: aims to secure early retirement for tired workers
Sep 12, 2019 The Danish labour market is facing major changes if Minister for Employment Peter Hummelgaard manages to get support for his plans. He wants to fight for fairer conditions for people with lower levels of education and for those in low-paid jobs.