Theme: Research inspires policy development
New research provides new perspectives on the labour market
Research and investigations provide valuable input to the political debate, to policy development and to the implementation of political measures, said Norway’s Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Anniken Hauglie as she opened The Nordic Work Life Conference 2018 at OsloMet. The Nordic Labour Journal was inspired to focus on new knowledge on equality, the basic income and digitalisation.
“Paternal leave extremely important to reach gender equality"
“Today’s paternal leave legislation gives employers a lot of room to negotiate with men whether they should take leave or not. We need less flexible solutions,” says Anne Lise Ellingsæter, who has led a Nordic inquiry into parental leave. It proposed to reserve 20 weeks’ leave for the father.
The research project against all odds: Olli Kangas on Finland’s universal basic income
Does Finland’s experiment with a universal basic income prove that this could be a solution for the future? We will not know until 2020. But in one way, the research project has already been a success – the fact that it was possible to carry it out at all.
The platform giants are profitable – but create few new jobs
The digital revolution will transform the work force in the 21st Century, just as the industrial revolution. But technology will create a host of new type of jobs and challenges as society moves from muscle and brainpower to data power, according to professors Bo Dahlbom and Ragnar Torvik.
Will platform companies fit into the Nordic model?
Does the Uber driver have an employer? Is the ‘self-employed’ actually an employee? And what will the zero hours worker live from if he or she does not get to work enough hours? These are not new questions, but they become increasingly important as digitalisation accelerates and new forms of employment become ever more common. The future of work demands innovation also when it comes to labour law and social insurance models.
OECD Deputy Secretary-General Mari Kiviniemi: Sticks to facts and fears protectionism
Former Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi has spent nearly a lifetime in Finnish politics. As OECD Deputy Secretary-General she has spent most of her time advising the world’s governments on development and growth. At year’s end it is over. Now she wants to help Finland prosper as leader for the Finnish Commerce Federation.
The OECD wants action now: Opportunities for all is the new measure of success
Inequalities are growing. We have plenty of data telling us that – now is the time for action, says the OECD’s Gabriela Ramos. In the report ‘Opportunities for all’, the OECD challenges member countries to fight inequality. “Growth is good, but welfare for all is the true measure of success.” The ETUC’s Luca Visentini will not be happy until he sees a better distribution of wealth being created through collective agreements.
Swedish social partners agree to limit right to industrial action
Employers who have signed a collective agreement should be able to trust that the peace obligation still stands. So argue the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the trade union confederations LO, TCO and Saco.
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