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EU directive gives Nordic platform workers new hope
The EU platform work directive is in place at last. It should help platform workers in the Nordic EU countries who work for companies like Foodora and Wolt to secure decent working conditions. In Norway, this was solved at the start of this year through a change to the working environment act.
Unexpected delay of the EU platform directive
There is a race against time to land the EU directive on platform work. In December, it looked like the issue was being solved, but then nearly half of the member states’ governments gave it a thumbs-down, including the Finnish and Swedish ones.
How the EU deals with border barriers
The EU also has programs working on removing border barriers. The best-known is Solvit, a problem-solving network which can be found in every EU/EEA country. Citizens and businesses can use this free service if they believe a country is in breach of EU rules and legislation.
Nordic bus industry associations take fight to the EU
Abandon the lawsuit against Denmark and instead ensure that the EU establishes clear rules preventing bus companies from low-wage countries from engaging in social dumping in the Nordic region. This is the message in a letter to the European Commission from the bus industry associations in Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
Denmark and Sweden on the barricades over pilots and crew compensation
Denmark and Sweden are once again out defending the Nordic labour market model. This time it is about a new case before the EU Court questioning whether cabin crew receiving lower allowances than pilots constitutes gender discrimination.

Document Actions

Map employment EU Employment in Europe 2016

Map made by Nordregio, Gustaf Norlén

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EU in Scandinavian:

Danish: Den Europæiske Union

Norwegian: Den europeiske union

Swedish: Europeiska Unionen

EU in focus
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