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Feminists, but also masculinists

Feminists, but also masculinists

(Sep 12, 2014) The Nordic region has cooperated on gender equality for 40 years. It has been of great importance for equality’s progress and has improved the lives of Nordic citizens, said Eygló Harðardóttir, Iceland’s Minister of Equality during the anniversary celebrations in Iceland on 26 August. Where is the debate today? Is there a need for a new equality narrative?

The Faroe Islands’ future must be more than fish

The Faroe Islands’ future must be more than fish

(Sep 12, 2014) What will the Faroese live off when there is no more fish? Is the answer oil or tourism? The important thing is to create jobs for women in the archipelago which is more patriarchal than other parts of the Nordic region.

Mikael Sjöberg: rebuilding trust in the Public Employment Service

Mikael Sjöberg: rebuilding trust in the Public Employment Service

(Sep 11, 2014) Mikael Sjöberg again leads one of Sweden’s most important working life institutions. His challenge is to build trust in the Public Employment Service, which has come in for a lot of criticism.

Look to Iceland

(Jun 17, 2014) “Look how well the Icelanders have recovered from the crisis, “ says Christian Kastrop, Director at the OECD. And we will; our theme this time is Iceland’s transformation since the crisis hit in 2008. We also follow the report on the Nordic model, first launched in Reykjavik, to the OECD’s Paris headquarters.

Stine Bosse: Keep the Nordic region a sweet spot

Stine Bosse: Keep the Nordic region a sweet spot

(Jun 17, 2014) The Nordic region is a privileged sweet spot, and should remain one. But it means fully embracing the EU says Danish Stine Bosse, named one of the world’s most powerful businesswomen many times over.

A piece of Nordic contemporary history

(May 08, 2014) On 22 May 1954 the agreement on a joint Nordic labour market was signed. 60 years on the Nordic Labour Journal talks to Nordic citizens who in each of the six decades tried their luck in a different Nordic country — and we look at how the agreement came to be.

The technology leap - a taste of the future

(Apr 11, 2014) Artificial intelligence. The words stimulate the imagination and creativity. What can a robot do? What can 3D technology do for us? How many care sector jobs will be replaced with welfare technology? And imagine what information this editorial might contain if it was written by a robot? This month the Nordic Labour Journal offers a taste of a future with new technology.

Ólafía Rafnsdóttir: Women needed in the wage rate decision process

Ólafía Rafnsdóttir: Women needed in the wage rate decision process

(Apr 11, 2014) Iceland is known internationally for its strong female leaders, but men have been the ones deciding wage rates. Ólafía B. Rafnsdóttir became the first female President in 122 years of Iceland’s trade union for commercial workers, VR, when she was elected last year.

Women strongest in times of change

(Mar 05, 2014) Nordic countries have cooperated on gender equality for 40 years. Now it’s paying off. The Nordic Labour Journal’s gender equality barometer shows Norway is a world leader in equality. For the first time ever, women and men have an equal share of positions of power.

The salary gap: a stain on Finland’s reputation

The salary gap: a stain on Finland’s reputation

(Mar 05, 2014) When it comes to female representation in business and politics, Finland is a leader in the EU in a range of fields. The Ombudsman for Equality, Pirkko Mäkinen, is particularly pleased with the fact that Finland has better female representation in boardrooms than any other EU country - 27 percent - without having to use gender quotas.

Who can come, who can stay and who deserves a worthy life?

(Feb 11, 2014) Sweden is a strong proponent for a generous and open immigration policy. The differences between the Nordic countries become clear. Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag stands out when he talks to the Nordic Labour Journal.

Solveig Horne, minister with a blue-blue view of Norwegian integration

Solveig Horne, minister with a blue-blue view of Norwegian integration

(Feb 11, 2014) “I am now in government,” says the Progress Party’s Minister of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Solveig Horne. She will stick to the cooperation agreement with the Conservatives and the supporting parties the Liberals and Christian Democrats.

Fresh thinking is crucial

(Dec 11, 2013) At the Employment Forum in Brussels, a labour life conference with participants from across Europe, one message was repeated over and over: no matter how much you give unemployed people training, nothing happens unless you create jobs. But how? Fresh thinking is crucial.

Kaj Leo Johannesen: The Faroe Islands’ challenge is to keep hold of its youths

Kaj Leo Johannesen: The Faroe Islands’ challenge is to keep hold of its youths

(Dec 11, 2013) Since 28 August the Faroe Islands have been boycotted by the EU and Norway because of a dispute over North Atlantic herring and mackerel. Faroese vessels are banned from landing these two species in the EU, Prime Minister Kaj Leo Johannesen tells the Nordic Labour Journal.

Editorial: The part time debate needs broadening

(Nov 07, 2013) Part time work is one of the most important issues in the Nordic gender equality debate. The gap might be narrowing, but women still work more part time than men. This is a question of money, culture and morals, but where lecturing might not be the best tool if you want to change things.

Sture Fjäder challenges Finland’s trade union culture

Sture Fjäder challenges Finland’s trade union culture

(Nov 07, 2013) Strengthening the Nordics as an economic region, cutting income tax, reviewing the priorities of the welfare state – these are just a few of the issues on union boss Sture Fjäder’s agenda for Finland and the Nordic region.

Editorial: a Vision Zero for workplace accidents

(Oct 09, 2013) Lets get a Vision Zero for workplace accidents! That’s the conclusion in the report ‘Young workers’ working environment in the Nordic countries’, which forms the basis for this month’s theme.

Dagfinn Høybråten’s new Nordic project: health cooperation

Dagfinn Høybråten’s new Nordic project: health cooperation

(Oct 08, 2013) Much tighter cooperation between Nordic health services is in the pipeline and if it succeeds the cooperation model can easily be expanded to include other policy areas which would help develop the Nordic welfare model. That’s the vision of the project’s chief architect, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Dagfinn Høybråten.

Editorial: Can we afford not to invest in young people?

(Sep 13, 2013) What can get more young people into work? Where are the successful experiences that shows it pays to give young people a chance in working life? Everyone shares the same goal: getting people into work while maintaining an efficient use of taxpayers’ money, says Sweden’s Minister for Labour Hillevi Engström in this month’s theme.

Occupational rehabilitation – organised anarchy?

(Sep 12, 2013) Everyone struggles to increase the labour participation rate among people with reduced work ability. Could the actual support system be the greatest obstacle?

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