Newsletter from the Nordic Labour Journal 3/2015
Editorial: An eye for the individual
How do you help young people who are loosing their footing as they enter adulthood? How do you motivate youths who are not in education, employment or training find the right track to their future? These were key questions when the Nordic countries recently discussed how to fight youth unemployment.
Building bridges to education helps youths move forward
Denmark has had success supporting marginalised youths to make sure they get an education. Mentor support, teaching and help finding apprenticeships makes the difficult transition into studies and work easier.
A bridge to education across Denmark
The Danish project of building bridges to education for marginalised youths has proved so promising that it is now being rolled out across the whole of Denmark on a permanent basis.
Motivation key to get marginalised youths into education
Measures aimed at helping young people into jobs and education should support the youths’ own inner motivation. To do that you need to realise that young, marginalised people are very different from each other, says a Danish youth researcher and author of a new book on motivation.
New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust
Good treatment and rapid measures targeted at the needs of young unemployed people, good coordination between municipalities and the public employment service — a proven way of achieving progress. The concept was developed in the project ‘Unga in’ and is carried forward in UNGKOMP.
Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying
The financial crisis was tough on young Icelanders. Many were unemployed for so long that they no longer qualified for unemployment benefit, only welfare money. Between 2012 and 2014 they were sent to Starfatorgið (‘the labour exchange’). Over half of the young people participating in Starfatorgið got a job or started studying.
Experts propose a more labour targeted and user friendly NAV
One year has passed since Norway’s Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Robert Eriksson appointed the Expert group tasked with undertaking a comprehensive review of the Labour and Welfare Administration NAV under the motto ‘From bureaucratic reform to user reform’. Now the report is ready: ‘A NAV with possibilities.’
Ingrid Ihme, chosen to sort out NAV
“This must be the most demanding and exciting group of the decade. I am proud to have been part of it,” says Ingrid Ihme, head of Telenor Open Mind, and one of the seven people chosen to sit in the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs’ Expert group which has been assessing possible changes to Norway’s Labour and Welfare Administration, NAV.
Mediator needed to help with working conditions for posted workers
The Swedish government should appoint a mediator or a working group to help the parties in certain trades agree on which conditions in their collective agreements that should also cover posted workers. This is the proposal from the Inquiry into new rules on postings, which presented its conclusions on 31 March. Another proposal is to introduce subcontracting liability for subcontractors’ debts to posted workers in the construction industry.
Another EU win for Finnish trade unions
Finnish trade unions have had another major victory in the EU Court of Justice. This time it is about collective agreement rules which restrict employers’ rights to use agency workers. The judgement is important also from a Swedish point of view.
Estonians are returning home
The Baltic states are loosing active citizens fast, but in Estonia the authorities have started counting them back in.
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