Iceland's Confederation of Labour turns 100 in a more equal labour market
(Feb 28, 2016) ASÍ - the Icelandic Confederation of Labour - is 100 years old this year. The anniversary is being celebrated with music and conferences in four different locations in Iceland in March. During this anniversary year one authority, one organisation or one company will probably be certified for Iceland's new equal wage standard.
The Swedish agreement model’s big test
(Feb 08, 2016) In 2016 the Swedish wage setting model is being put to its biggest test for several decades. Agreements must be made for some three million employees, but the members of the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) are split, and different demands from different unions and trades risk breaking a nearly 20 year old tradition where the industry has set the norm for wage increases.
Opening the labour market for vulnerable citizens
(Feb 08, 2016) One hour’s work a week is better than nothing. That is the thinking behind the major drive in recent years to get vulnerable Danes into the labour market. New research shows businesses are ready to create small jobs for vulnerable groups.
Labour dispute at Icelandic smelter – a threat to the country’s agreement model?
(Feb 08, 2016) A bitter labour dispute between trade unions and employers at Rio Tinto Alcan’s Icelandic smelter Isal is in its second year.
Nordic countries fight unwanted consequences of EU benefit rules
(Feb 08, 2016) The EU’s rules on social security benefits need modernisation and the cost must be shared more equally between member states. If not, liberal benefit systems like those found in Nordic countries might not be sustainable, argue Nordic governments as they join forces to push the issue in the EU.
Anniken Hauglie is Norway’s new Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
(Dec 17, 2015) Prime Minister Erna Solberg changed party colours at one of the most important ministries when Norway got a new Minister of Labour and Social Affairs - Anniken Hauglie from the Conservative Party.
Finland: Social Impact Bonds to help refugees
(Dec 07, 2015) Finland launches a social innovation programme allowing private investors to finance measures to improve the integration of refugees. They will be able to profit from solutions which helps solve problems for the public sector.
Europe wants to turn waste into gold
(Nov 27, 2015) Leading Danish politicians and businesses believe the circular economy is about to become a mega trend in Europe. Now they get backing from a new study which lists the enormous economic benefits which following a better use of resources. A new EU plan is in the works.
New regulations improve Swedish workers’ protection against bullying
(Nov 24, 2015) Swedish employers are to become better at preventing people going off sick because of unhealthy workloads or bullying at work. That is what new regulations from the Swedish Work Environment Authority aim to achieve. They contain clearer rules for how employers should work with organisational and social work environment issues.
Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations
(Nov 24, 2015) Icelandic youths are not interested in a future career in agriculture or fisheries. The only animals they will consider looking after in the future are pets. They would rather become coaches or work in the fitness sector, according to a fresh study from Nordregio which has mapped the future perspectives of young people in the Arctic.
Has EU gender equality policy lost its momentum?
(Nov 19, 2015) Yes, reckons Finnish researcher Johanna Kantola. The EU Court of Justice, meanwhile, is having a positive impact through judgements which could also have major consequences in the Nordic region, according to Kirsten Ketscher, Professor of Social Security and Welfare at the University of Copenhagen.
Cross-border education at the Cap of the North extended
(Oct 23, 2015) Since 1991 Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian youths on at the Cap of the North have been able to meet and get vocational training under the auspices of Utbildning Nord (Education North) — a unique cross-border education strategy. On 19 October the scheme was extended until 2019.
Stress and time pressure a challenge to Nordic work environments
(Oct 23, 2015) Time pressure is a considerably higher psychosocial risk factor in Nordic businesses compared to the rest of Europe. Nordic businesses also highlight a lack of time as the main obstacle to a good work environment.
New proposal for improved control of posted workers’ terms and conditions
(Oct 22, 2015) Tearing up Lex Laval would improve the terms and conditions for foreign workers in Sweden according to the Posted Workers Committee review of Lex Laval, which was presented to Sweden’s Minister for Employment Alva Johansson on 30 September.
Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing
(Oct 22, 2015) The share of youths who loose their footing is increasing in all of the Nordic countries. Although youth unemployment is a major problem, decision makers should make a more concerted effort to identify and support those most at risk.
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