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Frustrated border commuters in the south, hopeful border cooperation in the north

Frustrated border commuters in the south, hopeful border cooperation in the north

(Sep 16, 2016) Train delays resulting from ID checks at Öresund is irritating and tiring for many border commuters, while new agreements for cooperation are made in the Nordics’ northern regions. Commuter routes between Norway and Sweden are also as busy as ever.

Young people’s recipe for smoother cross-border movement

Young people’s recipe for smoother cross-border movement

(Sep 16, 2016) The Nordic region needs to project a hipper image to young people, educational institutions must become more similar in nature and job opportunities more visible if you want to improve cross-border movement. That was the challenge from young people during a debate on the future of mobility and cooperation in the Nordic region on 25 and 26 August.

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority sharpens its methods

(Jun 20, 2016) How do you effectively monitor working environments? That was the key question when the Nordic working environment conference in Tampere recently discussed risk-based inspections. Which workplaces should be visited and how do you perform inspections and controls? The labour inspection authority’s role is to make sure businesses follow labour law. The methods are going to change, but how?

Risk-based inspections on the agenda at Tampere working environment conference

Risk-based inspections on the agenda at Tampere working environment conference

(Jun 20, 2016) Risk-based inspections was the theme for the 2016 Nordic working environment conference in Tampere. More than 100 participants from across the Nordic region were engaged in the big debate on how authorities can carry out inspections to secure a good working environment in a more efficient way.

Former EU commissioner Nielson wants radical Nordic reforms

Former EU commissioner Nielson wants radical Nordic reforms

(Jun 15, 2016) The Nordic labour market is facing challenges which can not be solved through minor changes. That was the message from Poul Nielson as he presented his 14 proposals for radical reforms.

Poul Nielson: Introduce mandatory adult education and further training in the Nordics

Poul Nielson: Introduce mandatory adult education and further training in the Nordics

(Jun 14, 2016) The five Nordic countries should make adult education and further training a mandatory element of the labour market, and introduce real cooperation on migration. These are central issues to secure the Nordic labour market model for future years, recommends a new report from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Is precarious work becoming the new norm?

Is precarious work becoming the new norm?

(May 20, 2016) Precarious work is spreading fast. One fifth of the UK workforce is already employed in the sharing economy, made famous by companies like Uber and Airbnb.

Fighting poverty in EU  –	a tale of five cities

Fighting poverty in EU – a tale of five cities

(May 20, 2016) The European Union made the combat against poverty and social exclusion one of its main goals in 2008. 20 million vulnerable people should be helped to a better life by 2020 in a coordinated effort, according to the European Commission. The main tool would be active inclusion. But its easier said than done.

Finland’s basic income experiment attracts interest

(Apr 17, 2016) Finland’s planned empirical experiment with a universal basic income has attracted a lot of international interest before it has even started. An expert group has now presented its first preliminary report of how some social benefits could be replaced by a universal basic income. It will present a more comprehensive report towards the end of the year.

Finnish government seeks help to find work for more people

(Mar 04, 2016) The Finnish government has asked citizens and organisation for their help to reduce unemployment figures. In particular, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and his government ministers want ideas for how to help people who have a weak position in the labour market.

Three Swedish initiatives for increased gender equality

(Mar 04, 2016) It calls itself ‘the world’s first feminist government’, and with three new initiatives the Swedish government shows it is living up to the name: A more equal occupational injury insurance system, a review of parental benefits to ensure it creates a more equal situation for both parents and finally there will be a strengthening of the discrimination act.

Finland’s changing labour market

(Mar 04, 2016) Finland is struggling to emerge from the economic crisis, and it is being felt in the labour market. Only one in ten Finns believe the situation will improve this year. Nearly half of them believe things will get worse, according to a working life barometre from the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

I am incredibly thankful for part time work!

I am incredibly thankful for part time work!

(Mar 03, 2016) 35 year old Cecilie Enevold has gone part time in order to spend more time with her two small children. That was a difficult but correct decision, she says.

Danish parents want Swedish part time conditions

Danish parents want Swedish part time conditions

(Mar 03, 2016) The Danish gender equality debate is on fire. A large majority of Danes think parents of small children should have a right to work part time, but the trade unions, the government and feminists disagree.

New Swedish work environment strategy: No more fatal work accidents

(Mar 02, 2016) The Swedish government wants a vision zero for fatal work accidents, a sustainable labour market and measures to improve the psychosocial work environment. The government recently presented its work environment strategy for 2016 to 2020.

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