Theme: Gender equality
2024 Equality barometer: Three significant women have disappeared from power
Two years ago, it looked like the 24 positions of power in the NLJ’s gender equality barometer were just a few years away from being equally divided between men and women. Women had reached 92 points, and at 100 they would be on par with men. But in 2023, women’s points fell to 72 and this year sees a further fall down to 65 points.
Danish expert: Support young people to get pregnant, not to freeze their eggs
Female employees in large American companies can have their eggs frozen and delay having children – as a workplace benefit. A leading Danish infertility expert recommends Nordic employers and governments take an opposite approach and support young people to have children while they are students or newly employed.
Midwife – a norm-breaking profession for Swedish men
The Swedish labour market is very gender segregated. But some go against the grain. Like the men choosing to become midwives.
Severe drop in childbirth rates across the Nordics
What will happen to the Nordic labour market when birth rates in all of the five Nordic countries have fallen to record-low levels? Can existing assisted fertilisation technology help increase the number of children? Or is the drop in foreign adoptions larger?
"Structures maintain the gender-segregated labour market"
“Men are underrepresented across the entire welfare sector, including healthcare, social care and education. Research shows that the reasons primarily lie on an organisational and structural level and that efforts to get more men to choose jobs in the welfare sector therefore must also be targeted at an organisational and structural level.”
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