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You are here: Home i In Focus i In focus 2003 i Theme: Nordic cooperation assumes new dimensions

Theme: Nordic cooperation assumes new dimensions

For more than 50 years, citizens of Nordic countries have been permitted to move at ease across the borders, within a common labour market. Now some 20 million new next-door neighbours will join them, when the Baltic states and Poland become members of the European Union.

Between East and West

“Talking about a northern dimension, it is quite easy to disregard the northernmost parts of the North, and the cooperation carried on between these parts of the countries of the so-called “North Calotte” and Russia,” Governor Eino Siuruainen of the Finnish province Oulu claims.

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The Nordic labour market in an extended Europe

Ever since the early Nineties there has been a close cooperation between the Nordic and the Baltic countries. As the Baltic countries and Poland become members of the EU, the professed openness acclaimed by the Nordic countries through fifty years of cooperation is being put to the test.

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A story of cooperation across the borders

Knowledge about the labour market and personal relations is essential whenever employment services are called for. This is even more essential when you are charged with the provision of employment in another country. The following are some of the conclusions drawn by Oili Nätynki, based on many years of experience as an employment intermediary in the Nordic countries and as a Eures consultant.

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The Mental Bridge

The Mental Bridge

Education and research in the Øresund region has created strong connections between Denmark and Sweden – but there’s a small difference.

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