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Gender Equality

Articles on gender equality in chronological order.

New tack sought in Danish equality debate

Norway uses quotas and a men's panel to improve gender equality, but in Denmark there is disagreement on how to do it. Yet the Danes do agree there's a need for a gender equality debate which focuses on both sexes.

New tack sought in Danish equality debate - Read More…

Motherhood vs career logic rules

We're all equal now, right? More women than ever get an education, there are new ideals for what it means to be a father and family-friendly solutions have changed the framework for how mothers' and fathers' adapt to work and family life.

Motherhood vs career logic rules - Read More…

Working con amore

Working con amore

After fifteen years in Italy, it feels wonderful to be taken on the wings of the Scandinavian labour market. Not under! That's the whole point.

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Wanja Lundby-Wedin - favours security in change

Wanja Lundby-Wedin - favours security in change

She is the president of LO - Sweden, the Council of Nordic Trade Unions and of the European Trade Union Confederation. Wanja Lundby-Wedin represents the employees of all of Europe. “As their representative of course I have power. That is just how it should be”, she says.

Wanja Lundby-Wedin - favours security in change - Read More…

Striking the right work-life balance

There's a lot of focus on finding a balance between work and private life these days. Despite all the good intentions, it is hard to imagine real change will come about before we seriously address the difficulties in getting the right mix of family and working life.

Striking the right work-life balance - Read More…

Things to do on holiday

"How was your holiday?" they ask me. I think to myself - holiday? What holiday? I've worked harder over the past three months at home than during an entire year in the office.

Things to do on holiday - Read More…

The Nordic women – leaders in gender equality

The Nordic women – leaders in gender equality

The Nordic countries are leaders when it comes to equality between men and women. Nowhere else do women have such good opportunities to participate in working life and build careers. Finland recently set a new world record in the number of women in government, with 12 women cabinet members.

The Nordic women – leaders in gender equality - Read More…

Finland's Tuula Haatainen sees positive gender signals in EU

Finland's Tuula Haatainen sees positive gender signals in EU

The European Union is seriously looking at the challenges of gender equality, while many member states have no option but to address the problem of how work and family life can be combined.

Finland's Tuula Haatainen sees positive gender signals in EU - Read More…

Fighting against prejudice

Fighting against prejudice

In an effort to tackle discrimination at all levels of society, the Norwegian government has appointed the first ever equality and anti-discrimination ombud. The aim is to fight against all types of prejudice, be it on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or age.

Fighting against prejudice - Read More…

Norway pushes ahead with boardroom equality

Norway pushes ahead with boardroom equality

1 July 2005 was the deadline for the Norwegian business world to voluntarily make sure there is at least 40 per cent of each gender in company boardrooms. Only 17 per cent of companies have managed that. For the others, the demand will no longer be voluntary. It will be the law.

Norway pushes ahead with boardroom equality - Read More…

Iceland: The parental revolution

Iceland: The parental revolution

The image of parent and child doesn't necessarily involve a woman any longer in Iceland. For almost five years fathers in Iceland have been able to take paternity leave, and from day one they have made the most of it. This has been the largest step Iceland has taken towards gender equality. But there are still examples of employers who don’t follow the law.

Iceland: The parental revolution - Read More…

The jigsaw of life…

The jigsaw of life…

Three public authorities in Sweden are co-operating to encourage Swedish employers to make it easier for their employees to combine work with parenthood. As part of a larger campaign, they are now sending out a jigsaw to 6.500 employers, with the question: "Work and family - How easy is it to make the pieces fit at your place?"

The jigsaw of life… - Read More…

Annette changes tack

Annette changes tack

Annette Pedersen decided she wanted to become an electrician. She simply changed tack to get out of unemployment.

Annette changes tack - Read More…

Homo Nordicus in the eyes of a Diego

Homo Nordicus in the eyes of a Diego

If you rotate Norway like a compass with Oslo in the centre, the North Cape would hit Rome, I am told. Still there is a full ocean, or maybe several, separating the Nordic and Latin cultures.

Homo Nordicus in the eyes of a Diego - Read More…

Women on the board - threat of quotas makes the debate pick up pace

Women on the board - threat of quotas makes the debate pick up pace

In both Norway and Sweden, legislation is underway for the purpose of placing more women on the boards of private companies unless trade and industry, on its own initiative, increases the women’s share of these positions. Despite the strong presence of equality rights in the Nordic countries, this has still to reach the boardrooms.

Women on the board - threat of quotas makes the debate pick up pace - Read More…

The labyrinth of maternity leave benefits

The labyrinth of maternity leave benefits

For the past two years in a row, the UN Development Programme has awarded Norway the best place to live in the world based on its quality of life index. With 10-12 months paid maternity leave, free prenatal care and delivery, and extra child care benefits once the baby is born, who could argue.

The labyrinth of maternity leave benefits - Read More…

Nordic men want equal opportunities

It's a myth that Swedish and Norwegian men only take paternity leave so they can go deer hunting. Research shows that men have the same reasons as women, according to the Nordic men's conference in Copenhagen.

Nordic men want equal opportunities - Read More…

Equality Gives Way to Market Forces

Two male social advisors, newly appointed to the County Administrative Board in Malmö, were given salaries in excess of those earned by their incumbent female colleagues. In a judgement issued by the Swedish Labour Court on 23 May, this difference was attributable solely to market forces and not in any way gender discriminating.

Equality Gives Way to Market Forces - Read More…

Hungry Eyes for Scandinavian Baby Buggies

Hungry Eyes for Scandinavian Baby Buggies

As the first glimpses of spring appear in Copenhagen, rows of baby buggies stand neatly in line in front of fashionable bars. The children doze away at the comforting sounds of laughter from their parents who enjoy themselves inside.

Hungry Eyes for Scandinavian Baby Buggies - Read More…

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