Work Environment
Online culture's effect on work-life balance
(Feb 11, 2011) A working life without boundaries puts new demands on management, employers and unions. They all need to prevent workers slaving away until they drop.
Working hours: a hot topic for the Labour Inspection Authority director
(Feb 11, 2011) Ingrid Finboe Svendsen's dream is to create a popular drive for a better work environment. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority has often been in the spotlight for dealing with cases of social dumbing, but the Authority's director wants to showcase the full scope of what the organisation does. And this is where Facebook comes in.
Changes to IT affect systems as well as the social environment
(Dec 06, 2010) Many businesses and organisations change their IT systems, yet in 70 percent of cases the change ends in failure with regard to time, budget or function. There have been many studies of what went wrong. Einar Iveroth chose to study what went right in the cases that succeeded.
Why Swedes are aware of integration issues
(Dec 03, 2010) What is it that the trade unions and employers in Sweden do to make them top a ranking of awareness of integration issues made by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)?
Nordic region's anti-social dumping drive
(Nov 26, 2010) The fight against some Eastern European workers' bad working conditions in the Nordic countries depends on better information.
Hillevi Engström: more social responsibility needed in working life
(Nov 24, 2010) Once the leading star of Swedish Police, Hillevi Engström is now in charge of whipping working life into line. She wants to use her role as Minister for Employment to challenge businesses to take social responsibility. In return she offers economical incentives and an improved education system.
Work environment key to Swedish competitiveness
(Nov 03, 2010) The work environment is often associated with risks, but now the Swedish government wants to turn the phrase on its head and highlight the positive sides. A good work environment can improve workers' health, lift the business and improve competitiveness. Those are some of the conclusions from the government's national action plan for the work environment which it presented in September.
Swedish work environment tempts Chinese
(May 10, 2010) Oscar Berger is Sweden's Counsellor of Labour Market Affairs in Beijing. His job is to study the Chinese labour market and employment issues for the future - including Chinese competence and labour immigration.
New convention improves marine working environments
(May 05, 2010) Shipping is the most global of all businesses. One reason for introducing a new Marine Labour Convention is to create a more even playing field for the shipping companies. Shipowners should no longer be able to save money by cutting wages or neglecting the working environment.
Focus on ill health means less absence
(Feb 09, 2010) If you at an early stage enter a dialogue with workers who are ill, you reduce the level of sick leave. That's the experience in the Høje-Taastrup municipality west of Copenhagen.
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