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Work Environment

Renewed focus on Danish working environments

(Feb 06, 2014) Denmark’s construction industry will fight to limit workplace accidents. It’s the latest in a range of government initiatives aimed at improving the physical work environment.

Editorial: a Vision Zero for workplace accidents

(Oct 09, 2013) Lets get a Vision Zero for workplace accidents! That’s the conclusion in the report ‘Young workers’ working environment in the Nordic countries’, which forms the basis for this month’s theme.

More part time jobs mean worse working environments for young people

More part time jobs mean worse working environments for young people

(Oct 09, 2013) Young workers represent a heterogeneous group facing complex risks in working life. That means it is no longer enough to just focus on the young people themselves. In order to secure preventative working environment measures you also need to look at surrounding issues.

Call centres: young people's entry into working life

Call centres: young people's entry into working life

(Oct 09, 2013) Few workplaces take on more diverse staff than call centres. Youth, pensioners, handicapped, immigrants – it is the attitude and voice that determines your success, not your background or look. Even so, one of the fastest growing sectors is struggling to find enough people who want to work.

Medical students won’t work at Iceland’s National University Hospital

Medical students won’t work at Iceland’s National University Hospital

(Oct 09, 2013) Less than ten percent of Iceland’s medical students want to seek work at Iceland’s largest hospital, the university hospital Landspítalinn. Why? Bad working conditions, stress, low pay and long working hours.

Au pairs balance between cultural exchange and work

Au pairs balance between cultural exchange and work

(Oct 09, 2013) How far does our concern for young people’s working environment stretch? Does it go as far as to cover Filipino au pairs in Norway and Denmark? This month saw the start of a trial in Oslo against a host family who allegedly forced two au pairs to work 96 hour weeks.

Editorial: Job engagement is pure gold

(Jun 19, 2013) How do you achieve job engagement and work commitment? In this summer edition of the Nordic Labour Journal our writers, experts and researchers explore what happens with job engagement when work pressure increases. Does job engagement really equal increased productivity? Is job engagement pure gold?

Could increased job engagement improve productivity?

Could increased job engagement improve productivity?

(Jun 19, 2013) There seems to be an obvious link between job engagement and high productivity. Nordic politicians highlight the work environment as a competitive factor and hope it can lead to increased growth. But it’s not that simple. There are loose cannons and lost sheep among workers too.

Nearly always fun at work

Nearly always fun at work

(Jun 19, 2013) Solicitors are rarely considered to be the most relaxed and easy going professional group, but Helsinki solicitor firm Fondia is challenging the stereotypes. The office is teaming with recycled goods, soft values and fun and games – in all seriousness.

Experts: action needed to combat bad psychosocial work environments

(Jun 19, 2013) A Nordic proposition to systematically measure businesses’ psychosocial work environments is getting expert backing. But the businesses must also play their part, and hiring a consultant is not always the best solution.

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Work Environment in Scandinavian

Danish: arbejdsmiljø

Norwegian: arbeidsmiljø

Swedish: arbetsmiljö

Work Environment in focus:
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