There will certainly be bottleneck problems in the area of the new technology for a long time yet, but they do not seem to be insurmountable. It already seems that this area attracts a huge number of people of various ages to training, and also producing self-educated people. At present, training capacity is still a problem, but the situation is growing better all the time. On the whole, the new e-society will require training and orientation for all its members.
It should be noted, however, that the market itself has a huge stake in this. It is natural that the international business world looks for employees from all over the world. I do, however, find that the conscious participation of the state in the selective recruitment of labour into the country resembles old colonialism and is thus not to be favoured.
In the new e-society, there may temporarily occur more radical differences than those governing the new movement and others. Yet, it is not in the interests of the market or society for the situation to continue for long. Therefore I feel optimistic about the possibility that there will be a levelling out as time goes by.
EU involvement in the development of national employment programmes already has a similar significance as that of Nordic cooperation. The Nordic Countries are a good example of how stable economic development, a high level of education, comprehensive social security and an active labour market policy can achieve rapid economic growth.
The Public Employment Service (PES) has to operate as if it had a serious private competitor, always trying to do better. The PES has to be an expert in the service of individual and corporate clients. It has to know how to utilize the new technology to a maximum extent. On these criteria alone, the existence of a PES is justified. I cannot imagine how the labour market would function without the government being an active player in preventing and remedying problematic situations.
Answers from:
Ove Hygum, Social Democratic Party, Denmar
Tarja Filatov, Social Democratic Party, Finland
Páll Pétursson, Progress Party, Iceland
Jørgen Kosmo, Labour Party, Norway
Mona Sahlin, Social Democratic Party, Sweden