Comments 2016
- More cooperation, less division
- How are you doing in the Nordic countries? asks Finland at the kick-off for the Finnish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Finland wants to promote exciting meetings and new thinking. The future is all about finding new ways of cooperating across disciplines and across borders. The Nordic region seeks new perspectives on new challenges. Why?
- Editorial: The psychosocial challenge
- The story about Kristján from Iceland in this month’s theme illustrates how exposed young people often are in working life. When the Nordic Labour Journal shines a light on the psychosocial working environment, the story widens out. The theme shows how organisational changes are needed and how systematic efforts can turn sick leave figures on their heads.
- Where to now, Nordic Region?
- During the Nordic Council’s Session in Oslo on 19 April new border obstacles are being debated. Border controls for travellers from Denmark to Sweden could be introduced for those travelling in the opposite direction. The Nordic Labour Journal follows the debate, and takes a look at the basic challenge: What is being done to integrate refugees and immigrants into the labour market?
- Do tell! Why do we have it so good in the Nordics?
- Is our knowledge about the Nordic model about to erode? Are we turning this force of cooperation and labour market relations, the very core of our welfare, into a grand expression without any resonance? Do tell! The Nordic Labour Journal throws a light on the Nordic model throughout this September issue, along with the core values of cooperation, trust and joint decision-making in our theme Protect the trust!
- Everything is connected – also the Nordic region
- Nordic cooperation for 2017 has been given title: A Europe in transition needs a strong Nordic Region. So what is needed to build and promote the region? More sharing of knowledge? Greater focus on the Nordic welfare model? Greater focus on which values that the Nordics choose to follow? Is a more authoritarian labour market a choice the Nordics will make?
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